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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Book: The Conscious Kitchen

Eating consciously, according to Alexandra Zissu, author of the new book The Conscious Kitchen, encompasses three criteria: what’s good for personal health, what’s good for the planet, and what tastes great. Those are three things we can get behind.

Think of The Conscious Kitchen as a nuts and bolts guide that helps make sense of the many things we consume without questioning, but probably know we should.

Zissu covers appliances, pots and pans, dealing with waste, and vetting your storage containers for toxins with a straightforward, non-judgmental tone that makes it all seem do-able. Her “some is better than none” philosophy means you can take on the suggestions that fit your life without feeling guilty about the ones you leave behind. An indispensable book for anyone looking to eat and cook more sustainably.

Looking for simple ways to be good to the environment and your bod? The Conscious Kitchen…offers how-to’s on cutting energy bills, avoiding pesticides in food, and whipping up tasty, healthy meals.